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Student Welfare and Support

*Zealive Institute of New Zealand is committed to observing the Ministry of Education Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students and taking all reasonable measures to monitor student attendance and progress to ensure student welfare.

Zealive Institute of New Zealand will adopt the following procedures in relation to the welfare of its students:



Welfare Concerns Identification

There is a range of indicators that may give cause for concern about a student’s welfare.

Two of the most common are that the student is not:

• Making the progress expected in their course, which in turn may be the symptom of homesickness, depression, personal relationship problems, or learning problems.

• Attending class regularly which in turn may be the symptom of health problems, avoidance of learning or personal problems, homesickness and depression.


All Zealive Institute staff are responsible for reporting to the Director any concerns about a student’s welfare.

At the initial meeting of staff and homestay families each year the importance of early identification and reporting of problems will be reinforced.



Student Progress

Students experiencing learning difficulties will be discussed at the Academic Committee and management team and referred to the Director who will determine the level of assistance needed and reefer to an outside agency as required.

All students shall have access to appropriate guidance and support to ensure that their learning needs are met and barriers to their progress are minimized.


Staff will guarantee the confidentiality of student information and maintain the professional nature of the tutor/student relationship at all times.

Nature of assistance could be but is not limited to:

• Extra One on One tuition

• Additional courses recommended to meet skill gaps

• Coaching Tutor to deal with a disability (e.g. hearing)

• Additional tasks

• Refer to external experts for identification and assistance with a specific need



Student Attendance

Tutors are responsible for reporting any student’s absence immediately to the Director or Administrator who will contact the student if the absence has not been reported by the student.

The Director will arrange for any action required to address the reasons for a student’s absence.

Interventions may include:

• Counselling by a Zealive Institute staff member or an outside agency

• Referral to a doctor


If the student has not attended for one day and no contact has been received the Tutor/Administration will attempt to make contact with the student to determine the reason for non-attendance. This can be made by phone, email or text.

Should a student not be in contact with the school for two days in a row then the Next of kin or contact person will be contacted.



Physical, Mental and Emotional Protection

The institute acknowledges the confidentiality of information requirements embodied in the Privacy Act and stipulates in all employment contracts that staff abide by these.

As part of the institute enrolment form, students are requested to sign a consent clause giving their permission for the institute to pass on academic results and contact details to NZQA and other relevant agencies.


Physical, mental and emotional protection for students and the public is ensured through clear identification by Tutors of any potentially hazardous activities undertaken by students as part of the training.

Adherence to the relevant occupational health and safety guide minimizes any potential harm.



External Support and Guidance

Students will be referred to external agencies if assistance required is of a specialist nature which cannot be offered by the institute staff.

These needs may be identified at the initial selection interview or at some stage of the learning program.

Where students are involved in offsite activities, they will wear identification tags (where necessary) to warn the public of their status as students.

Should any member of the institute suspect or believe that a student is or is likely to be ill-treated, harmed abused or neglected, the school’s management will notify the Child Youth and Family Service or the New Zealand Police of their concerns.


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